Data Services
Your service from A to Z
In times of information overload and data abundance, it is often not easy to know what data is available in the area of interest and where to obtain it, such as raster, sensor or real-time data. We also support our customers with our decades of experience and our network.
Our customers come from various industries, public administration, are pipeline or infrastructure operators, engineering offices, real estate managers and many more.
We provide support with ...
- ... the preparation of existing data for processes
- ... the creation of new data
- ... in the procurement of publicly available data
We also offer "experts on demand" for support services with hourly pools or framework agreements: Quickly convert some data or expand existing processes - our experts are as flexible as your requirements.
We offer
- Over 20 years of experience in data management
- Over 20 years of experience in setting up (geo)information systems
- Execution of professional analysis and implementation projects
Benefit from 20 years of experience.
Our experts will be happy to contact you and support you in all matters.