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FME Flow

FME Flow

Automation of data processes

In the right place at the right time

FME Flow connects all the data you need to lead your business into the future. From small conversions to geodata validations to a comprehensive geodata portal - FME Flow provides services quickly and easily on the intranet/internet. FME Flow ensures that your data is available in the right place at the right time.

Automated Data Integration

Automated Data Integration

Connect everything and gain holistic insights into your entire organization.

Real-time Processing

Real-time Processing

Find out what's happening while it's happening. Be it from event data, data streams, IoT or other systems.

Flexible Deployment

Flexible Deployment

FME Flow can run anywhere and can be spread across multiple environments, whether you want to run it on-premises, in the cloud, or take advantage of our hybrid possibilities.

Application Integration

Application Integration

Connect your systems to avoid multiple entries and experience real-time data flows. See for yourself the time you save by having your systems work together.

No-code Web Applications

No-code Web Applications

Deploy the workflows created with FME Form using web applications so your entire organization can use them. No programming is required.

Powerful REST-API

Powerful REST-API

Our REST API gives our users the power to access and control FME Flow, making it easy to integrate with other systems.

Request your expert advice now.

We would be happy to discuss how FME Flow can support you.

FME Form

FME Form

Creating data processes and transformation models

FME Flow Hosted

FME Flow Hosted

Automation of data processes and transformation models in the cloud

axmann geodata checker

axmann geodata checker

A SaaS application for data quality assurance.

axmann geodata broker

axmann geodata broker

A tool to automate geodata building.

This is what our satisfied users say:

Open data, such as the DKM or the road network from the GIP, is an important basis for a wide variety of projects in our GIS. By automating data preparation with FME, we have been able to significantly reduce the manual work previously required and can therefore make this data available to our colleagues via the internal infra:gis as soon as it is published.

Michael Ebner, Austrian Federal Railways

FME was one of the most important investments in a long time.

Karl-Heinz Schramm, City planning office/city administration Bamberg

These companies trust the rmDATA guarantee:

Logo Asfinag
Logo BEV
Logo Wiener Netze

axmann Kontakt
Contact us
Modecenterstrasse 22/Top D59-D61
1030 Vienna, Austria
Tel +43 1 203 91 47
E-mail office@axmann.at
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