Data validation at the Austrian Federal State of Burgenland

axmann geoinformation developed a validation guideline for the Federal State Government of Burgenland based on axmann geodata checker for data from conceptual masterplan.
According to the Burgenland Spatial Planning Act 2019, the conceptual masterplan consists of the wording of the regulation, a textual part and a development plan. If necessary, the regulation can be supplemented by planning or tabular representations. The plan must be presented in digital form and covers the entire municipal area. The Federal State government specifies the technical design and implementation of the local conceptual masterplan in a technical manual. To do this, it specifies the data format, the data structure, a data model, requirements for geometric and topological accuracy as well as elements and principles of the planning representation.
Validation guideline
Together with the customer, axmann geoinformation developed and implemented a new guideline on the validation platform for the conceptual masterplan in digital form. The local conceptual masterplan data (ÖEK) supplied by the municipalities to the Federal State Government can now be checked and validated for conformity using axmann geodata checker before its integration into the Federal State GIS. This ensures that only correct data is integrated into the GIS. Automated data checks with the help of the validation tool increases data quality and reduces the effort enormously compared to manual checking.
Technical features
The municipality data to be checked is selected in the axmann geodata checker selection dialog. The upload to the portal is limited to ESRI Shape and GeoPackage (NEW) formats. As a result of a successfully checked data record, a checksum is generated. The test is run through and validated one more time.
This is what Bernhard Klingseisen, GIS Expert Federal State Government Burgenland, says about the axmann geodata checker:
"Since the validation platform has been used successfully for several years for the checking of land use plans in Burgenland, municipalities and planning agencies now also have a user-friendly application available for the preliminary validation of local conceptual masterplans. The targeted technical validation provides the authority with a guaranteed and consistent data quality, thereby making the integration of the data into the Web GIS much easier."