Daily updated cadastral data with FME support

The Austrian Federal Office for Calibration and Measurement (BEV) has recently made daily updated cadastral data available, free of charge. axmann geoinformation supported the service with FME processing tools.
Since June 30, 2022, current property information, such as addresses, border points, fixed points and administrative boundaries have been available online and free of charge via kataster.bev.gv.at by the Federal Office for Calibration and Measurement (in German: Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen), short BEV. In order to make this data available on a daily basis, extensive FME processing tools run in the background every night. The result of BEV's new online data service offers a significantly simplified search for information from around 10 million properties in Austria.
The preparation of the data for the cut-off dates is also processed with FME platform integration and these processes are largely automated with the help of FME Flow. Even this data is free of charge and can be obtained via data.bev.gv.at.
Support from axmann
The team of FME experts at BEV led by department manager Herfried Pock, received consulting and support from axmann geoinformation's many years of expertise in fine-tuning data integration with the FME platform. For example, generalization processes for administrative boundaries were optimized and a separate validation of the produced cut-off date data was designed to ensure integrity and quality for BEV's end customers.
This is what Herfried Pock from the GIS-Coordination Department says about the service and FME support from axmann:
“The collaboration accelerated the implementation of the project and was an important contribution to the quality assurance of the published geodata. The weekly programming workshops, in which the BEV developers were able to exchange ideas online with experts from axmann, were an important support, especially in the start-up phase.”
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