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Vorarlberg Energy Networks relies on axmann geodata checker

Vorarlberger Energienetze validate supplied natural inventory and water data in AutoCAD DWG format using the geodata checking service “axmann geodata checker”.

Vorarlberger Energienetze GmbH (vorarlberg netz for short) is a subsidiary of illwerke vkw AG and is responsible for operating the electricity and natural gas networks within the Federal State of Vorarlberg in Austria.

The “Guideline for the documentation of natural inventory data and water” forms the basis for supplied natural inventory and water data in AutoCAD DWG format. Whether the data corresponds to the guidelines has so far been checked internally and manually. From now on, Vorarlberger Netze is outsourcing this time-consuming activity to the geodata checking service “geodata checker” from axmann geoinformation.

This has advantages for everyone involved: Contractors can check their data online at any time (24/7) on axmann geodata checker and receive immediate feedback in the form of a test report and an error drawing. The correction can be made quickly and after a successful (error-free) check, the data can be delivered directly from geodata checker to Vorarlberger Energienetze. This ensures that the data supplied is compliant with guidelines and can be further processed immediately.

Particularly innovative is the integration of a WMS service, with which the inventory data (municipality boundaries, fixed points, addresses) is read in on a daily basis and compared with the data supplied.

The “Natural Inventory-Water-Conformity Test” data test has now even been expanded to include the “Telecom” subject area.

This is what Magdalena Resch, Surveyor at Voralberg Netz, says about the service:

“The automated cross-check of the supplied data gives us further planning security in our work. The data arrives already checked and validated. This is another important step for us in optimizing our processes. In the end, our customers benefit.”

Do you also want to automate your processes and use resources better? We would be happy to help you.

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